Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Problem with Cheating

We all face it as teachers: cheating.  It seems that more and more students don't see the problem with copying others' work, even on tests.  And we're not just imagining it.  Recent research has shown, that even at the college level, students feel if they are clever enough to get away with cheating, they should be congratulated.  This is appalling to me on many levels, the most important of which being the degradation of integrity among young people. Let me explain why cheating matters; to the cheater, to the other students, to all the parents.  Here's why teachers should fight it, despite everything else they've got going on.  Here's why students shouldn't do it. And here's why other students shouldn't let them.

First, for the cheaters.  You aren't learning the skills you need to succeed in college and the real world.  Copying and plagiarizing won't be an option when a project is due in the work place.  Believe me, people will be too busy working and covering their own rears to help you.  Learn how to study, think, and work through things on your own NOW.  Trust me, it makes the future so much easier. Secondly, the consequences of cheating can be severe, especially in the "real world".  At university the most probable consequence is expulsion.  Good luck becoming a lawyer or playing in Friday's game when you are no longer a student.  At work, dishonesty is the quickest way to get fired. Employers won't pay for someone who can't pull their own weight, takes up other workers' time, or can't be trusted.  Since high school teachers don't have these options, or often the time and resources to pursue allegations effectively, we are not always as successful at pinpointing cheaters as your future professors/bosses will be.

For other students and their parents.  What you need to realize is that by enabling others to cheat, you are only hurting yourself.  Think about this scenario.  Two seniors apply to college.  They have taken the same classes and both received As throughout high school.  The difference is that one of them was a chronic cheater.  His A does not represent any real knowledge or effort.  The college admission staff WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE!  The cheater has just as much chance of receiving the coveted spot at university as you do.  In other words, letting someone copy means you may be handing over your spot at college or your scholarship money!  Teachers can do very little to prevent this.  Their only possible recourse is the college recommendation letter, but its unlikely the cheater will ask someone to write one who will give him/her away.

I know this post has been a bit of a rant.  I recently had a father tell me he would use any resource available to him to get good grades.  My jaw dropped.  In a way, this post is what I wish I could have articulated to him at the time.  If I had to choose between a child with integrity and one with good grades, I would choose integrity every time.  I sincerely just want the best for my students, and cheating is not the answer.

For more information on this subject, including studies, and even software for detecting plagiarism, please see the link below.

1 comment:

  1. That link is great. It will be helpful when I have them writing research papers.


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