Ok, so the first three days of school have inspired me to exercise my extravagant amount of experience (three years) and come up with the Top Ten Tips for New Teachers. They are not necessarily in any order. Here we go!
10. Be up moving around during class. I only sit down after I have circulated several times and everyone is working well with no questions.
9. Post a learning target, bellringer, and agenda on the board everyday.
8. Provide an environment conducive to learning. As in no one is afraid of answering a question. Watch the sarcasm. Sometimes they respond to it but students can also be very literal so you have to be careful, if not for them then also for your own sanity.
7. Provide an environment conducive to learning. That means clean, friendly, and bright.
6. Make administration your friend. Yes, I know, it sounds like I am a giant brown-nose, but consider this. That principal has the power to get rid of you for anything or nothing. At least until you get tenure you need to be seen before and after school, turn things in on time, be present at staff meetings, coach or sponsor a club, and ultimately make a good impression.
5. Join the union. I cannot emphasize this enough. If anything happens you'll be glad you did.
4. Have a teaching philosophy. What do you think is the purpose of education? What is the teacher's role in it? At least think about it.
3. Develop a comprehensive classroom management plan. Think about how you'll do everything from set up the room to a closure activity.
2. Consistency. Consistency in discipline. Consistency in routine. Consistency in policies and procedures. I can't say enough aabout how this will help you, especially if you have freshmen or ECE students.
1. PREPARE! Overprepare. Ultraprepare. It will save you in so many ways. I once met a new teacher four days before the start of school. I asked her how many units she had done and she said she was ready for the first day. I knew right then that she was in trouble. Bless her heart she had the most horrible year. The kids ran over her, she came within a hair of failing KTIP, and at the end of the year her contract wasn't renewed.
Hope this helps and good luck! : )
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