Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday Quote #2

This quote comes from the American poet Maya Angelou.  She believed in the specialness of all people, in equality, and self-examination.  Her work stands in tribute to these ideas.

IMO, quotes like this are important to add to your week for a couple of different reasons.  There is so little room left for character education in today's results-driven classroom, especially at the high school level.  I think having a weekly quote, and taking one or two minutes to talk about it, has such a positive effect.  It creates a classroom culture and expectation of community, of caring about more than just yourself.  It also adds to the teacher-student relationship because it sends the message that you care about students as individuals rather than just in terms of the subject matter.  I have actually had a parent express how much the weekly quotes meant to their child.

Have a blessed Monday and Teach True!  

Friday, June 3, 2016

Fun Friday #3 - Building a Heart

This video shows a rat heart grown from stem cells.  It beats on its own and is absolutely amazing.   We know that this is pretty accepted in science today, but it will still impress your students!

Enjoy and Teach True!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Fun Friday #2- Powerful Great White Video

This video is beyond amazing!  You have to share this with the kids.  Kimi Werner is a spearfisher in Hawaii.  This is a video of her swimming with a gorgeous Great White Shark without a cage.  She even grabs its dorsal fin and is pulled for a while. 
Besides the wow factor, this video is also educational.  Kimi also talks about sustainability and our place on the planet.  Just Beautiful.
The Huffington Post article about this, which has more information, is HERE.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Student Spaceflight Experiments Program

I am embarking on a new adventure!  I have been given the chance to be Community Director in our school district for the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP).  This is a very exciting opportunity for students grade 5 to undergraduate to participate in the scientific process in an authentic way.  The students get to design an experiment, write a proposal, and compete for a spot on a shuttle flight for their experiment.  The bottom line is that, if a community participates, an experiment created by their students will fly to the International Space Station!

Of course this program is quite a process, and is also expensive.  My district is just starting out on this journey.  We have created a plan.  Now we have to raise the funds, inform parents, get student teams set up, and begin the experimental design process.  A lot to think about as school is starting!  Anyway, I am super excited about this opportunity and I wanted to share.  Good luck on your own education adventures!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday Quote #1 - Plus poster-making sites


So a lot of times I like to start off the school week with a quote.  I thought the Disney quote above would be a good one to use at the beginning of the school year.  I usually have the quote on the board when the students come in.  They get a chance to look at it, and then we move right into a flashback question.  It's fun for me to choose quotes, its motivational, and its an opportunity for some character education.  You can incorporate these quotes in several different ways.  Besides introducing it on the smartboard on Mondays, I also put it in my weekly parent newsletter.  You can also print it and put it on the wall, or simply write it out on the board.  That way students can see it all week long.  Depending on how much time I have, I sometimes like to turn the quotes into posters like the one above.

Making your own "pretty quotes" of the poster or Pinterest variety is super easy to do.  I know you can google any quote and get a pretty picture of it already done, but if you do it yourself you don't have to worry about copyrights.  There are a couple of websites I use.  The first is  Recite makes poster-type pictures on a variety of backgrounds.  Here is an example from their website.

Another website I use is  This creates motivational posters like the first one above.  Finally you can use a PowerPoint slide and any font you like to make a pretty quote.  For example, since my school colors are gold and purple.....
All these options have multiple uses in the classroom and bring out your creative side.  Happy Quoting!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Fun Friday #1- Chimera Cat

On Fridays in the classroom I like to share a fun short video, cool image, or just a "funny" with the class.  I usually do this right after the flashback, and it doesn't take more than three minutes.  It's a great way to bond with the kids and show them how amazing nature and science can be.

One of my favorite Fun Fridays comes from  Meet Venus, the chimera cat!  She is her own fraternal twin.  Chimeras result when two fertilized eggs or early embryos fuse into one organism.  As you can see, the results can be stunning!  You can read more about chimeras HERE.

Students find this so cool.  They ask questions, and it usually leads to some good discussions on genetics. Enjoy!


Friday, July 11, 2014

Wrong Answer Analysis

Over the past several years one of the phrases I have heard most often is "assessment for learning".  I admit to being a little baffled.  How can a test actually move the students' learning forward?  Of course tests give me as the teacher a snapshot of their progress, allow me to address weak spots, reteach where necessary, and helps me plan for moving forward.  I would even say the students benefit by seeing where they are, and hopefully feeling a sense of accomplishment at a job well done.  However, none of these things is truly assessment for learning in my opinion.  In partial answer to this conundrum I have created a document that has been very useful in my classroom.  It is called Wrong Answer Analysis.  The concept is very similar to test corrections, but takes it a step further.  With wrong answer analysis students use the test as a jumping-off point for reviewing the concepts they are weakest on.   They have to think about why they missed the question, find the correct answer, and explain the concept in their own words.  Here is the form I created, but you could easily make one to fit your own needs.

Wrong Answer Analysis

Besides the obvious benefit of students really thinking about the subject, there are several other good reasons to use this approach.

1. It cuts down on the time you need to spend reteaching, as the students have started the process themselves.

2. Students learn to no longer expect or ask for a curve on tests.  If they want points back, they have to earn them by analyzing what they did wrong.

3. It works for any subject and can be modified for any grade level.

4. It is high on Bloom's taxonomy.

5. Is fits in with Thoughtful Education, if your school is using that.

6. It gives students the opportunity to earn points back in a much more meaningful way than the standard test corrections.

7. It cuts down on students retaking the test (thus time spent after school for you), by giving them a viable alternative to improve their score.


1. It is one more thing to grade, and the grading must be done carefully.  If not, students will learn that they don't have to do a good job with their explanation in order to receive credit.

2. You must explain carefully how you want the form completed the first several times the students use it.  They need to know what constitutes an acceptable explanation and what does not.  At first students will simply try to reword the question.  Insist on thoughtful answers in complete sentences.   If the students don't rethink the concept then there is no point in using this method.


Grading is very personal and depends on your teaching philosophy.  Wrong Answer Analysis can be used and graded in many ways.  You could grade it on its own merits or use it for points back on the test.  It could be required for all, optional, or required only for those who got less than a certain grade on the test. You could give partial credit or not.  Personally, I use it for points back on the test.  It is required for anyone who fell below an 80% on the test and optional for others.  Also, I insist the explanation part of each question be completed well or not even partial credit will be given.

I hope this form is useful to you.  I have used it for several years now and really like it.  Enjoy!